2-1 Who’s with Ross’ new girlfriend

2-1 Who’s with Ross’ new girlfriend

PB: Well, here’s most of what’s happened. Ross had always been in love with Rachel, but every time he tried to tell her, something like a cat or an Italian man was in the way. At last Chandler said, “Forget about her,” but when Ross was in China, Chandler inadvertently leaked that Ross was in love with Rachel. She said, “Oh My God.” So when he came back, she went to the airport to meet him, but didn’t know Ross was getting off the plane with another woman.Oh! So that’s pretty much everything you need to know.But that’s enough of us. How have you been?Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I’m sorry. Emergency! Sorry!Ross: Rush! Rachel: Oh, there it is! Hi! Oh, and how was China?Ross: It was fantastic. Oh, what happened?RACHEL: What?JA: You’re bleeding. Rachel: What about me? Look at this. Yes, that’s right. As for me and as for me, Mr. Back is back from Orient. I want to hear everything!Ross: So where do we start? This is Julie. Julie, this is Rachel.Rachel: These are not for you. This is for you. Welcome to our country. Thank you. I’m from New York.Rachel: Okay, well, there’s no problem. It is used only to stop bleeding. Yes, do you want to keep your baggage? I got it.Monica: Let me tell you, she’s going to the airport and she’s going with Ross. Oh, my God. It’s really big. This is bigger than a giant. This is good, what is bigger than a huge one?Joey: Well, this one? Yes. You all cut your hair.Chandler: Yes, it was, thanks to Vidal Buffy.Phoebe: “Because if you don’t look good, we can’t see well. I love that voice.Rachel: Airport, airport. Ross is not alone, Julie, with her arms around her. Spasms, cramps.JA: Yeah, I think she’s trying to tell us something. We’ll get the verbs right away.JA: Honey, you said he liked me. Don’t be slow, you!”It’s all right, Rachel, I got the bag. Hi, everyone. Julie, this is my sister Monica, Chandler and Joey. Everyone, it’s Julie.Hello, but I’m not here, you haven’t seen me. I’d like to make a much better first impression tomorrow when there are no taxis and planes for 20 hours.There is also a bus.Oh, my God.Ross: Listen to this.Julie: We’re on this bus, and that was 200 years ago.And this guy — Rachel: And chicken poops on her lap. I’m really sorry. I just announced the ending, didn’t I? Oh! I just heard this story in a taxi, and that’s all I can think of.Monica: That’s amazing. How and how did this happen?Ross and I went to graduate school together.But since then, we’ve been together. Now, I will land in China and guess who is in charge of the excavation. Rachel: Julie! Julie, isn’t she amazing? In other words, isn’t it wonderful to spit on your neck just by kicking your crotch?It’s just an expression.Ross: Yeah, I just wanted to say hello.Then I’ll go see the baby.JA: And we need to get some sleep.Ross: Yeah, it’s really six tomorrow night


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